Magdalena Okupniak

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Analysis of the block designs is one of multivariate data analysis methods, which is often used in a agricultural. This type of research is usually carried out to assess the impact of various factors on the growth and development of plants, such as fertilizers pesticides and others. The main precursor of block designs was a British statistician R. A. Fisher, who in early twentieth century formulated a randomized block designs. It is a particular kind of the block designs, in which we examine the impact of an object used to randomly selected experimental units divided into equinumerous and possibly homogenous groups.
The aim of this study is to present results of applying the block analysis in a equivalent household income research. Data was obtained from the Council for Social Monitoring – The Social Diagnosis 2011. The base contained of 12387 households, which were described by 259 variables. The variables which were used in a intra-and inter-block analysis research were: administrative location of household, number of people included into the household and class of the village.


intrablock analysis, interblock analysis, equivalent household


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